Millions of people all over the world suffer from depression every year. The affects of depression might be severe to mild depending upon the type of depression the person is suffering from. It is very compulsory to identify the signs and symptoms of depression, so that it can be treated timely. A checklist for depression always helps you to identify the symptoms of depression. A checklist for depression always comes good to identify the symptoms of depression so that you can live a healthy life free of all kinds of tensions. Here is the checklist that you can follow to identify depression:
1. Sleeping problems such as Insomnia or hypomania. Symptoms of these disorders are too much sleep or sleeplessness.
2. Poor appetite, you may eat too much or too less, due to which you may put onplenty of weight or loose huge amount of weight.
3. Anxiety, sadness, or empty mood is also one of the symptoms that a depressed person usually experiences.
4. Decreased interest in enjoyable or entertaining activities.
5. Tiredness and irritation is also a very common symptom observed in patients.
6. You may face persisting physical problems that generally do not respond to treatments, such as pain in various parts of body, especially in head or stomach.
7. You may find it difficult to concentrate on daily tasks. You memory also gets week. You tend to stay away from your daily routine work.
8. Fatigue or loss of energy is also another symptom in the checklist of depression.
9. Negative thoughts start developing in your mind.
10. Feelings of guilt, hopelessness and worthlessness.
11. Thoughts of suicide can also occur in your mind. In fact so many patients have committed suicide due to depression.
12. Sexual problems such as rejection (in women), erectile (in men), and decreased interest in intercourse also are the symptoms of depression.
13. You might get addicted to alcohol or drugs etc.
14. Your point of view about outer world changes completely.
If a person exhibits more than five to six of the above symptoms and suffers it for more than two weeks, then a serious action needs to be taken, because the person exhibiting from these symptoms might be suffering from depression. In these cases it is very compulsory for the sufferers to see a specialist so that the serious affects of depression can be avoided. After identifying the symptoms by the help of checklist, the next step that you should take is consult with your family doctor or specialist for depression so that a proper treatment plan can be prepared to cure depression. It has been seen that people largely depend upon alcohol to get rid of depression and end up making conditions even more dangerous. People need to realize that alcohol contains depressants that only increase the chances of depression to go bad to worse. Use Atarax, Celexa Zyban & other antidepressants. Keeping a regular check on the checklist is the best way to deal with the dangerous mental disease called depression.
Posted by Pharmaexperts. Inc.